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BindMe had an email interview with Wykd_Dave. An Englishman that promotes and lives Japanese style bondage the Wykd way. BindMe: Would you like to tell us something about your background? Who are you and what do you do? Well, that’s … Continued

Madison Young

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Madison Young, fetish and bondage model *Update. This interview is from a few years back and therefor somewhat outdated. Since then Madison has of course moved on and has written a book called `Daddy`. But I think the interview is … Continued

James Mogul

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BindMe interviewed the man behind www.nawashibari.com, James Mogul. James is an acclaimed fetish-photographer and bondage-artist and admired by a lot of people in the bondage-scene. Among those admirers is Marrow :~) Someone once said: “James Mogul is what Christian Grey … Continued

Bob (RopeMarks)

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BindMe interviewed Bob. A Dutch guy that promotes and lives Oriental Bondage the RopeMarks-way. BindMe: Would you like to tell us something about your background? Who are you and what do you do? My name is Bob. I am the … Continued